#A124 La Salette Virgin
Size 17x21cm
The Mother of God appeared on the one and only occasion of September 19, 1846 to two shepherds: 15-year-old Melania Calvat and 11-year-old Maksymin Giraud on a mountain rising above La Salette, in the high Alps in France.
According to the children's accounts, she was a woman of extraordinary beauty sitting inside a bright sphere. Initially, she had her face covered, and her elbows rested on her knees and she cried. On her breast was a cross with Jesus Christ with tools of torment placed on it: a hammer and pliers. From the cross radiated the extraordinary brightness surrounding Mary.
Saint Nicolas di Bari
Piekna ikona wykonana jako specjalne zamówienie. CENA ustalana indywidualnie. Malarwsto olejne.
#A112 Our Lady of Marienburg (Malbork)
Size 53x21 cm
Icon made on the basis of the image of the Gothic sculpture of the Madonna of Marienburg, which was on the outer wall of the church at the Teutonic Castle in Malbork.